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Monday, October 21, 2013

The Good Good 

There is a new restaurant that has opened that is almost fully staffed by Prescott College students. Located right next to campus, the Good Good serves up delicious fancy grilled cheese and soup feasts. Students are getting a good look at how local businesses start up and hold space for bigger picture consciousness in the world today. One of the main ways the Good Good exemplifies this is through the beautiful Huichol art exhibited there. 

Drawing in a very powerful art form, the Good Good is sharing dynamic holistic world views of this culture, shared through an amazing Huichol artist...

These intricate pieces are opening minds to ancient patterns of knowing among people very in touch with their worlds. Many Huichol pieces are created from dreams that these people have, and they are all connected to very powerful songs that the Huichol sing to help cultivate the mixing of beautiful colors in iconography of energetic forces that shape our world. What a beautiful thing, inspiring the students who walk in to fill themselves up not only on food but on artistic expression. Yum! - Brittany Davis

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